Monday, July 11, 2011

Google+ will be available on google apps

Good news for Google Apps users: your pleas to get access to Google+, the search titan's latest foray into social networking, have been heard.

In a public-facing note on the service yesterday, Google's president of enterprise, Dave Girouard, said that the company is working to make Google+ available to Google Apps users. Google Apps is Google's customizable version of the company's various productivity services including Gmail, Calendar, Talk, Docs and Groups.

"Sorry for the delay," Girouard wrote. "We need to do it right!"

No estimate was given for how long it will be until that happens, nor was any insight offered on how Google plans to handle sharing in what could be a company's private network with public circles.

Google+ was launched late last month as part of a "field trial period", and continues to be a closed service unless you have an invite, or sign up to eventually get access. The service has drawn many comparisons to Facebook and even Twitter in offering users a place to share and view content in a stream with others with whom they've made connections. Google has built it up with tie-ins to a number of its other services and technologies like Gmail, Picasa, YouTube and Google Talk.

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