From the title you think that what nonsense i am saying, but it is true. Now it is assumed in the various harddisk manufacturing industries like Kingston, Transcend etc that within the next few years hard disks are completely replaced by their next version that is SSDs that means Solid state drives. As flashed based memories, which are only limited to RAM, but USB storage devices and MP3 players evolved into a strong competitor for HDDs.

The most significant development in this field was made by Samsung in May 2006, with the announcement of world's first notebook PC, featuring a 32 GB NAND Flash based Solidstate disk(SSD), instead of traditional HDD. The main reasons behind that why SSDs take over the HDDs are form factor, speed, boot delay, power consumption, ruggedness and many more. Regarding power consumption SSDs consume only 5 percent of what HDDs devour. According to Samsung press release, SSDs read 300 percent faster(53 MBps) and write 150 percent quicker(28 MBps) then normal hard drives. Also HDDs cannot resolve the issue of boot delay(time that PC takes to start the operating system). The Microsoft Windows XP operating system will boot up 25-50 percent faster on n SSD compared to other drives claims Samsung. One more drawback of HDDs is that no matter how well they packed , HDDs are vulnerable to temperature, magnetic fields, humidity and physical impact whereas SSD are almost immune to them.

As all we know the thing that had some advantage also had some disadvantage ya i am talking about some drawbacks of SSDs the major one is its pricing, SSDs are much expensive as compared to HDDs - while HDDs offer storage at the rate of approx $1 per GB, but SSDs cost it bout $90 per GB. Some other drawbacks of SSDs are its reliabilityand storage capacity.
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